About Our Instructors

Martin Mosley

Chief Flight Instructor (CFI)

I was introduced to microlight flying in 1991 by a local pilot. As a dairy farmer I had access to grass fields that were suited to fly microlight aircraft from. I took great interest and after a few flights from the back seat I developed a passion for flying and decided to obtain my pilots licence and buy my first aircraft, a Flash 2 Alpha.

After a few years of flying microlights I went on to fly light aircraft gaining IMC and night ratings but my real passion was microlighting. I was greatly influenced by my then CFI, Colin Bodill after his epic microlight flights to Australia and subsequently around the world in a Blade 912.

Some of my own touring adventures have taken me to the Russian border of Poland in my Quantum 582 in 1997 and the North Cape of Norway via Shetland in 2003 in a Blade 912. I also did a flight in 2006 along the river Danube from its source at Donaueschingen in Germany, through Austria and on to the Black sea in Romania in my self built Skyranger 912. In more recent times I have flown to Corfu, Malta and Majorca along with many other trips to all parts of Europe and the UK. 

In 2001, after retiring from farming I went on to gain my instructor rating, I feel privileged to have trained and passed on the thrill of microlighting to many present day pilots including two of my sons, one of which Philip is now instructing. Although my real passion is flex wing flying I have built and flown two fixed wing aircraft. A Skyranger built in 2004 and subsequently a Sportcruiser in 2009. 

Philip Mosley

Flight Instructor

My son Philip shares my passion for Microlight flying and gained his pilot’s licence in 2007.

In 2019 Philip decided to develop his flying skills even further by becoming an instructor and now assists me with instructing. He underwent his training and completed the instructor course in 2019 with Marcus Dalgety at Gap Tallard in the French Alps. Since then he has proved to be a very popular and extremely capable Flight Instructor.